
Teenage love.

 This might be popular among the teenage who are right now studying in high school's and secondary schools. Students take this as a fun but not as a training for future life. Right now, making boyfriend's and girlfriend's and breaking up is like they are playing like cards. They don't take love seriously and this makes them divorce when they grow up. That time they will not know what they should do and when. I think there should be a orientation for how to make a successful marriage and how to make it last. This orientation must be given to the teenager who are in college. Because it might be more appropriate  Relationships during the teenage years are important sources of  both well-being and vulnerability.  Furthermore, early romantic experiences influence adult relationships. Why It Matters Relationships during the teenage years are important sources of both well-being and vulnerability. Furthermore, early romantic experiences influence adult relationships. Early rel

Lobesa Lower Secondary School.

 Lobesa Lower Secondary School is located in Punakha Bhutan and it is really fascinating how the school has changed its form from when it was made till now. This was my first school as it is closest to my home. with the change in time, many of the teachers left the school to go to Australia for better jobs. And it is really amazing to see the new teachers changing the school's look within a year.